Muluzi defends MCP’s invite to UDF convention

Muluzi (c): We are democratic party
The United Democratic Front (UDF) patron, Bakili Muluzi has condemned recent developments that surrounded the convention preparations; that among others saw its supporters protesting the move by the convention committee to invite the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).
The attempt was blocked by the supporters who argued MCP does not deserve that privilege.
They also accused convention chairperson, Aisha M’mambo Adams for the decision that subsequently saw her resigning from the post before rescinding the move after further discussions.
But Muluzi said the development is worrisome and should not be given room in the party.
“UDF should not be a source of hatred. UDF should be democratic enough,” he said.
The patron said every registered party deserved the privilege of patronizing the convention as principles of democracy stipulate.