Women empowerment needs money -observers – Capital Radio Malawi
13 September, 2024

Women empowerment needs money -observers

Malunga: Authorities can make a deliberate move

Women economic empowerment is being touted as one of the major stepping stones to have more women in political positions.

Gender and trade specialist Mary Malunga observes that most women lack behind in politics due to financial instability, lack of confidence and advocacy skills among other things.

“For a person to be elected in local government or parliamentary position, there is need to sell oneself to the electorate through campaigns, and that already requires a lot of money. If they do not have the money then that is a big challenge,” Malunga narrated.

On the other hand, Malunga suggested affirmative action where a certain percentage of seats should be allocated specifically for women so as to make sure that we strike gender balance on this matter.

“Authorities can make a deliberate move by having seats just for women to increase their (women) numbers in decision making positions,” suggested Malunga.

Weighing in his views on the development however, political commentator George Phiri said having a percentage of seats for women is a decision that could weaken women and view them as incapable to contest with men.

“What needs to be done is mindset change. We need to get away from the culture that discredit women based on gender rather than looking at them as capable and give them the support they need.

“We have women that perform well than men, and also, men that can perform better than women. Political scores have nothing to do with gender,” Phiri said.

Conquering with Phiri, political activist Amon Luwila says; “Often times, communities undermine women and always think what a man can achieve on that position a woman cannot, which has to change.”

Malawi parliament has about 23 percent women legislators while local government has a percentage of 13.

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