NRA laments discrimination of LGBTQIA+ members in public hospitals – Capital Radio Malawi
5 December, 2024

NRA laments discrimination of LGBTQIA+ members in public hospitals

Sambisa: The Penal Code still penalizes same sex marriages

Nyasa Rainbow Alliance (NRA) has complained of the continued discrimination of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersexual and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community in various public hospitals.

NRA executive director Eric Sambisa said they are still having discussions with various stakeholders on the protection of rights of LGBTQIA+ community on health services adding that they have been in talks with National Aids Commission (NAC) to create an enabling environment on health services.

“The nation made some policies in favour of LGBTQIA+ community but that is not being reflected considering that the Penal Code still penalizes same sex marriages, thus giving room for some health workers to discriminate and harass the members of the community,” lamented Sambisa.

He said as such, they will continue lobbying for harmonization of all laws in the Republican Constitution.

Commenting on the matter, Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) executive director Michael Kaiyatsa hinted that they will continue to advocate for reforms on some provisions that penalize same sex marriages.

“Some health workers unnecessary anger over the LGBTQIA+ community. We however believe that discussions and awareness with all people cannot solve the problem entirely but reforming the laws to conform with all groups of people in the country remains the key,” the CHRR boss stressed.

He further said that they will continue having awareness campaign for all people to understand and respect rights of the LGBTQIA+ community.

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