K54 million AIP money stolen in Chitipa

Police are investigating the theft of over 54 million kwacha, worth of Affordable Inputs Program sales money at Thawale Smallholder Farmers Fertilizer Revolving Fund of Malawi (SFFRFM) depot in Chitipa.
According to the police in the district, it is believed the incident happened in the wee hours of 24th January, as security guards at the premises were in hiding due to heavy downpour.
As morning came, it was however discovered that locks to the place where the money is kept were tampered, a development which was reported to the sales clerk.
The sales Clarke Takondwa Mtambo told the police that it was indeed broken into and the cash chest which had money for sales from the 17th January to the 23rd January was missing.
The matter was reported to the police, who upon inspection of the crime scene established that there was a break in.
Mtambo and the security guards have since been detained by the police for questioning.