‘Gender equality achievement is beyond political will’-50:50 Campaign

Five days into the 16 days of gender activism, Advocacy organization 50:50 Campaign says Malawi has a long way to go in achieving equal rights.
According to the lobby group, there are still gaps in implementation of the existing laws and policies, hence the need for government and other key stakeholders to intervene.
The campaign’s Team Leader Viwemi Chavula notes the need for practical solutions that guarantee women’s involvement in crucial decision making positions.
This includes strengthening policies that guarantee an enabling environment for women and girls participation in achieving the 2063 vision for sustainable development.
While policies and interventions are in place to ensure the female gender is involved, Chavula laments that political will alone is not enough in making the campaign goals practical.
“Our biggest challenge is that we do not have laws of enforcement beyond political will to foster the existing policies,” Chavula said.
President Lazarus Chakwera was quoted in a recent public address saying ‘women and girls are treated as inferior to men’ suggesting that this creates a sour environment for women to actively participate in decision making processes.