Local Professor gets Weber Parkes Prize – Capital Radio Malawi
24 January, 2025

Local Professor gets Weber Parkes Prize

A local medical professor, Henry Mwandumba, is being awarded the prestigious Weber Parkes Prize by Britain’s Royal College of Physicians.

Mwandumba, who is the Interim Director of the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Research Programme, got the recognition for his research work on unlocking understanding of the pathogenesis of tuberculosis.

The award is traditionally given to somebody who has demonstrated excellent work in the field of tuberculosis at both the domestic and international levels.

According to information on the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome web page, Mwandumba, will officially receive the prize at a ceremony in London on 19 October.

He has previously done other research projects including one on pulmonary TB/HIV.

“I am proud to have been recognised as part of an illustrious list of scientists who have contributed to research into and treatment of tuberculosis, which still carries a heavy cost across the world,” he said.

Mwandumba has since emphasized on the need for more investment and research into ways of dealing with other harsh forms of TB.

“Increasingly, multi-drug resistance can be harder to treat effectively, which is why continued research and funding in this area of treatment are so important.” Mwandumba said.

The Weber-Parkes Prize and medal are awarded once every three years for major contributions towards the prevention and cure of TB.

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