Parliament to meet over COVID-19 funds’ abuse expose’

Parliament is yet to meet over revelations that some public officers embezzled Covid 19 response funds.
Last Tuesday, the Ombudsman released a report which revealed that a large chunk of the Covid-19 funds were spent on allowances in councils.
The report stems from an inquiry into the wastage of 17 billion kwacha that the government had availed as part of its response to the pandemic.
This also comes after 6.2 billion-kwacha Covid-19 response funds were embezzled by public officers.
Critics have since condemned the government for failing to bring to book the implicated public officers.
Deputy Chairperson of the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee-PAC Ned Poya has indicated that their committee awaits communication from parliament.
Meanwhile, pressure is mounting on the authorities to reveal and prosecute public officers involved in the embezzlement of Covid 19 response funds.
Civil society leaders have since condemned the government for failing to bring to book the implicated public officers.
They have since demanded a complete overhaul of the entire public service especially those responsible in handling government coffers.