Migration between Mangochi and South Africa fueling TB – Capital Radio Malawi
14 February, 2025

Migration between Mangochi and South Africa fueling TB

A TB mobile clinic van-Picture by Mana

Mangochi health officials have attributed high cases of TB in the District to migration of people to and from South Africa annually.

According to the assistant TB officer for Mangochi Bauten Manyetera, South Africa is one of the countries with high cases of Tuberculosis in Africa.

He has highlighted that the District has over 300 active cases, most of which have been identified through the mobile diagnostic van which has been to hard to reach areas as well as the formation of sputum collection volunteer groups.

However, Manyetera reveals his office has put a number of measures to ensure that the disease it controlled.

“We have intensified information dissemination exercise in some parts of the District to enlighten people on the need to go for diagnosis once they start coughing for more than a week,” said Manyetera.

Meanwhile, Manyetera is decrying high treatment default rate as some people return to South Africa before finishing their treatment saying by the time the return home their immunity is weakened to respond to second treatment resulting to fatalities.

Manyetera cited transportation as a major challenge, as the District is vast and it is impossible for health officials to reach some parts for information dissemination exercises about the disease.

Despite the Challenges, Manyetera observes that the measures employed are paying dividends as the district is registering less cases compared to some years back when the District would register over 500 cases a year.

Currently, Mangochi has 21 health registration sites for Tuberculosis drug collection, 19 microscopy sputum testing sites and volunteer groups in areas such as Chilipa, Monkey bay, Makanjira , Namwera and Chiunda among others.

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